Are you a Bambino cat lover? Well, that depends on a few factors. Typically, it all relates to the temperaments of these adorable naked cats. So, are you a Bambino person? Let’s find that out.
You spend most time indoors
One thing to help you determine if the Bambino is your ideal cat is if you spend most of your time indoors. How is that related? Well, these cats love the indoor setting. We did mention that these cats are naked. Typically, they don’t have hair like other cats, but there are a few furs on it if you look and feel their skin. In this case, they love the indoor settings because it is warmer for them. So if you are not much of an out-goer, then the Bambino is definitely your ideal cat.
You love the cuddle-game
If you are the kind of person that enjoys cuddling with their cats, you should consider getting a Bambino cat. The fact that these pets enjoy some nice warmth means that they will jump on your lap and expect you to do the thing. How about cuddling the little guy and giving them the warmth they need?
You appreciate a long-term relationship
Doesn’t it pain when you have developed a nice relationship with your cat, then they just pass on and go forever? It is never a pleasant experience. But hey, there’s some good news for you. Bambino cats can live for as long as 15 years. Now, that’s a long relationship right there. But you still need to take care of your cat and ensure that they are as healthy as possible.
You can’t stand the annoying cat fur all over the house
Imagine you get in the house, and your adorable pet has shed her far all over the sofa, carpet, and even the kid’s bedroom. In this case, you will have to start cleaning off the hair. But things are totally different with the adorable, naked fellas. Bambino cats don’t shed, so you don’t have to worry about it at all. Even though they don’t have the thick fur that is shed frequently, you still need to clean them regularly.
You want to teach them a few tricks
Did you know that Bambino cats are among the most intelligent cat breeds? If you didn’t, now you do. These cats are so smart, and they can easily master the few tricks and games that you teach them.
If you decide to choose Bambino kittens, consider a good and reputable breeder. Purrbastet Sphynx and Bambino Cats for sale are available all around the Northern Part of California. You can pick a cat that meets your preferences, and the breeders also educate you on how to take care of the cat appropriately.